Digival - Blogs Understanding levels of Curriculum Design
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Digital Assessment Solutions, Digital Classroom Solutions, Digital eLearning Solution, Digital Learning Solution, Digital Scheduling Solution, Digital Scheduling System, Modern Education School,Higher Education eLearning, Learning Management Solutions, Online Assessment Platform

Understanding levels of Curriculum Design

A program of study taken up by students that comprises their entire learning package, it is a structured way through which teachers systematically organise the material  of study. The design is concerned  with much more than learning materials with curriculum management solutions; a holistic plan of approach is developed to monitor learning outcomes. 

While designing the curriculum a specific educational purpose with the end goal is to employ improvement in the student learning process with outcomes evaluated, monitored, tracked, and reported.  The structuring of curriculum design is based on three types: Subjected, learning based, and problem solving. 

Subject centred design

This type of curriculum design is based on a particular subject rather than an individual. This design would focus on how the learning should happen and what material should be concentrated on. It is a common format found to be standardised across educational establishments as their core curriculum. Teachers who teach based on this curriculum are prepared to follow a standard format with predetermined objectives, examples, and are mostly focusing on large class groups. 

A common drawback to consider would definitely be student engagement as large class groups make interaction difficult unless it is considered to switch to a digital scheduling system. The design lacks focus on student learning outcomes with the structure of the design not holding into account of the student learning outcomes. 

Learner centred design

 It empowers learners as it provides them with the opportunity to choose activities they are  interested in, assignments which motivates them to stay engaged during their course of study. The curriculum is based on student choices which allows them to acknowledge their interests rather than just following a particular form of curriculum design.  Learners' individual interests and goals are recognised which results in a boost of motivation. 

Developing materials creates a lot of clerical workload for teaching staff from finding the right material, creating plans which requires skills and experience to fit the design plan the balance to maintain the learning relationship wouldn't be easy to maintain with collaborating to integrate with digital scheduling solutions with everything maintained and available at a single deck these challenges can be overcome. 

Problem solving centred design

Designed focusing on problems provided to the student and a solution oriented answer to be developed by  the students this module is more focused on student centered design. The students can implement the solutions derived from the curriculum and draw relevancy in real-life scenarios that develop skills to resolve potential problems. 

As different learning styles evolve, hanging on to one form of curriculum  will not  allow students to innovate and be creative during their learning process. To consider adapting to more learning styles a suitable customized academic scheduling tool can be collaborated with to increase relevance of curriculum that innovatively teaches. 

To track and monitor curriculum in real time is  troublesome as it requires a lot of time and precision keeping in check academic efficiency automation saves time and incorporating accreditation management solutions with DigiVal’s DigiScheduler, it offers dual benefits of automation and customization saving time and catering to the course specific schedule requirements. It can be used at institutions, programs, and course level for error-free and time saving administration.    

Digital Scheduling Solution Digital Scheduling System Customized Academic Scheduling Tool Curriculum Management Solutions Accreditation Management Solutions
Digital Scheduling Solution Digital Scheduling System Customized Academic Scheduling Tool Curriculum Management Solutions Accreditation Management Solutions
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