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Get the bundle to make your
institution smarter
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Unique features
Automation of scheduling management according to Institution Processes
Live tracking and monitoring of Curriculum
Auto grouping of students based on Names, GPA and Grades
Maximizing the infrastructure and human resources utilization!
Auto scheduling based on session flow ( Syllabus )
Monitoring of staff and students workload
Unique features
Automation of scheduling management
Conducts assessments with minimal or no internet
Face recognition technology
Test specifications, Smart review and intelligent question bank
Item Analysis, Curve up, Item and Grade Revision
Measurement of course learning outcomes
Measurement of program learning outcomes
SO-ABET analysis
Weighted averages for benchmarking, stratification
Manages grades with Grade-play system
Facilitates resits with Resit Gradebook, Course Transcript
Course transcripts management
Unique features
Automation in the attendance using face detection within 05 Seconds
Hassle free integration with web conferencing tools
Classroom assessment targeting student learning outcome
Enhancing student engagement through Chat, Discussions, & Forums
Possibility of continuous Support and engagement by staffs
Analytics based personalised learning through robust feedback
Unique features
Program workflow automation according to the institution process
Biometric based Staff & Student management
Intuitive and curative Learning content management system
High engaging & Monitoring group Discussion, forums, channels, and chat
Integration with assignment evaluation, Reporting and Analytics
Happy Clients
Digival is a team of academic and quality assurance experts able to understand the institution needs and customize the technology to fit the institutional process. Digival adapted and implemented our requests and I really recommend their solutions. I hold accountable for these words (Check interview).
Dr. Abdul Aziz Al Yahya
Vice Dean, Clinical Pharmacy Program & Chairman of Quality Assurance center, Ibn Sina National College for Medical Studies, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Digival Solutions offers products that are highly secure for students and faculty, Digival provides customized solutions for your university or college. I recommend Digival products to successfully manage educational activities in your college.
Dr. Othman Wali
Vice Dean, Dentistry Program, Ibn Sina National College for Medical Studies, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Working with Digival Solutions was a jaw-dropping experience! They gave us simple solutions and drastically reduced our time to plan. Digiassess, Digischeduler, and Digiclass converted the complex process involved in learning, teaching and assessment into simple and smart. Digival really made a big difference in improving the quality of our college.
Dr. Syed Mukheet Ur Rahaman
Director of Quality Assurance Department, Ibn Sina National College for Medical Studies, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Digival Solutions provides an inside view of how things work from a quality perspective. Digival products and solutions offer insights that help maintain NCAAA standards and make quality assurance personals and administrator’s jobs easy and hassle-free.
Ms. Khamrunnisa Hussain
Quality Coordinator, Medicine Program, Ibn Sina National College for Medical Studies, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
The DigiVal system is a great platform that helped our college to conduct a high standard and high-quality assessment by using the DigiAssess...And the team of DigiVal also trained our staff to use these applications. They found it very useful and easy to use.
Rawan Muteb Fattah
IT supporter officer Ibn Sina National College.
I've been using the DigiVal application for the past four to five months and throughout this application there are wonderful features and it is a great upgrade...DigiVal is constantly upgrading and improving themselves and definitely keeping students at the centre and making their life way more easier.