Digival - Blogs Reimagining learning in the post COVID world
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Digital Assessment Solutions, Digital Classroom Solutions, Digital eLearning Solution, Digital Learning Solution, Digital Scheduling Solution, Digital Scheduling System, Modern Education School,Higher Education eLearning, Learning Management Solutions, Online Assessment Platform

Reimagining learning in the post COVID world

Observations made during the pandemic shows how rapidly learning and education has evolved and adapted to technology. Academicians and students effectively fine-tuned their learning methods and effective remote learning solutions were derived. The roles of academic establishments evolved quickly to alter approaches that suit virtual learning.

How academicians roles have shifted to adapt outcome based education solutions?

Education pivotal role has shifted to offer resilient educational systems as traditional in person models do not translate to adapt remote learning. Academicians are also keeping up with the pace to keep students engaged no matter what the channel is as every household has now become an environment that supports learning the pandemic has highlighted the need for flexibility in curriculum and timely allocation of student-tutor interaction. Academicians are dissecting time between teaching, engaging, and administrating tasks.

How academicians adapted to support the modern education school?

Educational establishments adapting to the implement different approach to better understand student concerns and adjust to remote learning programs by stressing on the importance of providing feedback to students, tracking learning modules, and maintaining constant communication with students. As teachers started to adapt and implement new guidelines and recommendations balancing educating, administrative report, and taking care of their personal life was resolved. Adapting to integrate learning management solutions reduced academicians' workload which generated to end burnout. As administrative filling was reduced to digital platforms updating information like attendance and grading which furthermore encourage more student-teacher interaction.

How has the Learning Management System impacted higher education eLearning?

The pandemic enhanced technology to transform educational institutions to adapt learning management systems as it supports teachers to keep up with the curriculum and student learning outcomes. The advancements to adapt these approaches goes beyond attendance maintenance, engagement activities, assessment management and providing learning materials it ensures individual development report of students, creating support programs, enabling scheduling, and adapting to coaching programs.

While adapting to these changes offers academicians liberty at large from administrative tasks and to deeply focus on what is pedagogically effective. Educational establishments investing in tech based learning management solutions will definitely offer socio-emotional support for teachers. As the pandemic has changed teachers' roles and most of them were not prepared for a change, a comprehensive strategy of remote learning is essential to integrate to ensure the academicians wellbeing and students blend in while learning is acquired with full potential with both student and teachers not being exploited.


- Bryant, Jake, et al. “Reimagining a More Equitable and Resilient K–12 Education System.” McKinsey & Company, 4 Dec. 2020

- Mascarenhas, Natasha. “Tired of 'Zoom University'? So Is Edtech.” TechCrunch, TechCrunch, 18 Feb. 2021

Higher Education eLearning Outcome Based Education Solution Modern Education School
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