Digival - Blogs How do you do ALL that in a day?- A guide on time management.
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Digital Assessment Solutions, Digital Classroom Solutions, Digital eLearning Solution, Digital Learning Solution, Digital Scheduling Solution, Digital Scheduling System, Modern Education School,Higher Education eLearning, Learning Management Solutions, Online Assessment Platform

How do you do ALL that in a day?- A guide on time management.

Have you ever wished for more than 24 hours in a day and pondered how others keep up with the same time differently? We refer to time management guides and rules for effective working to improve efficiency and excel in life. But what are the things to consider while developing a schedule or routine for your day?


Having more time to complete your tasks increases your chances of improving your creativity and allows you to explore your potential. For instance, Google’s “20% time” policy encourages its employees to devote their time to projects that they think would benefit the company.

So that brings us to the first point of time management, spending time on things that matter. When you start checking your to-do list, you must make sure that you are prioritizing tasks based on their importance. 


In an educational setting, teachers and students are required to track their course activities and assignments in order to monitor their progress. Digital spaces like DigiClass ensure curriculum and assessment monitoring. Now students and teachers can find the day’s schedules and upcoming events in their individual dashboards on their palms. Yes, with DigiClass Mobile Application you can find everything with just a click.


So effective time management requires understanding what tasks are important to you. But how do you realize the work that makes a difference? The answer lies in your goal orientation. We constantly wonder where we see ourselves in the future. 

The next thing to consider is understanding interruptions to recognize the time lag. Some effective Apps like Forest, allow you to stay focused by a simple way of planting a tree in-app and going on with your day’s work. Once you leave the app, your tree dies. The bigger your virtual tree, the more focused you are. 


The increasing screen time is also an aspect that we can’t ignore.


Then how do you think you can manage your tasks? Productivity depends on the space that you provide for exploring your potential as well as creating a space for your growth. Changing your outlook toward a task can shift your work productivity. Sometimes you might be overwhelmed by loads of work and feel immersed in the piles of upcoming deadlines. 

So how can you organise these works? First, you must know what you are doing and how effectively. Second, you must make the choice of what to be done prior to the rest. Ordering your tasks gives you control over your to-do list. 

For instance, you jot down your to-do list for the next day like,

    • Having a healthy breakfast
    • Watering your plants
    • Journaling 
    • Finish editing the day’s file
    • Picking the groceries


At the end of the day, ticking out tasks completed is a wonderful feeling. The tasks not completed can be moved to the planning list for the next day. 

Always remember there is no one right way to do things. You can always choose your unique way.


time managementworkroutinesdigital solutionsscreen timedigiclassdigiassessonline learningdigital platformsplanningto-do-listmobile applicationstask
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