Digival - Blogs 10 pain points of institutions that outcome-based educational software can improve
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Digital Assessment Solutions, Digital Classroom Solutions, Digital eLearning Solution, Digital Learning Solution, Digital Scheduling Solution, Digital Scheduling System, Modern Education School,Higher Education eLearning, Learning Management Solutions, Online Assessment Platform

10 pain points of institutions that outcome-based educational software can improve

Accreditation is acquiring the desired standard or quality for various aspects of education. The defined standards and criteria of the quality assurance process work in synchronisation to ensure the quality delivery of curriculum and achieve the student's learning outcomes. The expected standards are to be met in order to achieve the learning outcomes which in turn requires quality delivery of programs. 

In the process of standardising the learning, teaching and assessment, the institutions run through an array of concerns. Let us address some of the key challenges:

    1. Endless paperwork and long hours spent on documentation
    2. Identifying outcome gaps and improving the course
    3. Evaluate student progress for each program based on their performance on learning outcomes
    4. regulation of sessions flow as per the planned credit and contact hours 
    5. Comprehensive student feedback which is used as a lead indicator  during the course 
    6. Faculty performance monitoring and evaluation to improve the delivery
    7. longitudinal analysis of  the graduate attributes and learning outcomes 
    8. Evaluating course effectiveness
    9. Analysing and maintaining transparent communication
    10. tracking and monitoring of curricular deliveries in real time 

The process in itself might seem arduous and long but the outcome achieved over the process raises the bar for your institution. The accreditation protocols will enhance your institutional workflow and establish a trustworthy base for your students. 


How DigiVal assists institutions in accreditation?

As we have addressed the major concerns of curricular delivery standards, especially in the area of learning, teaching and assessment, let us move on to the smart solution available. The automated and built-in workflow has enabled a better user experience and saves a lot of time in the planning process for each course. The personalised and secure solutions are designed to meet the specific needs of the institution and give the students and faculty overall support. 

Digival's academic  management features include:

    • Intuitive dashboards for tracking and monitoring curricular deliveries 
    • Student feedback on the learning outcomes
    • Online forums and discussions based on an outcome-based rubric with auto-scheduling mechanisms
    • Discussions and assignments for analysing the students learning and  retention
    • learning outcome analysis, and reports 
    • Curricular centric Infrastructure management 
    • The DigiClass chat system  removes the need for external communications 
    • Flexibility to manage academic scheduling with an easy shift from onsite to remote and vice versa
    • Auto streaming of recorded sessions after live remote sessions and easy integration with Zoom, Team and Meet


Why do you need to meet the accreditation standards in the curricular delivery?

    • Achieving Credit and contact hours of the program is mandatory for applying for accreditation. Assuring quality learning at the level of a session in the courses is a minimal quality requirement  during the accreditation review 
    • Bringing technology matching the expectations of GenZ is needed  to have an engaging  and stimulating learning 
    • Data-driven addressal of learning outcomes gaps, followed by personalised learning support is considered as a sign of truly student-centeredness   
    • Bringing transparency and accountability in the governance and administration of the program, especially in curricular deliveries is the foundation for building a quality culture Longitudinal analysis of students' progress on the assessment of learning outcomes provides valuable insights for attaining scholarships, grants, and placement 

Ultimately, an institution's effectiveness depends on how effectively the institution is able to deliver curriculum and enable the students to achieve the expected learning outcomes. The current standards in curriculum and/or learning, teaching and assessment of any accreditation bodies cannot be achieved without relevant technology. Especially technology plays an integrated role in assuring the quality delivery of outcomes and competencies-based education. 

Digival's strategic technology partnership provides colleges and universities with the necessary technology tools in DigiClass and DigiAssess to assure the quality delivery of programs and enhance the student's performance on the assessment of learning outcomes. Moreover, Digival's capability in tailoring the product features to match the institution and program process brings academic excellence and institutional effectiveness. Thus, technology platform providers like Digival, enable institutions to provide the best engaging and stimulating learning experience to their students while keeping up with the education sphere of the day. 

Outcome based education platform outcome based education system what is outcome based education system outcome based education software E- learning software Educational Learning Software OBE Software Outcome based Education Toolsaccreditationcurriculum mappingcurriculum managementacademic managementstudent learningreporting and analytics
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