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Staying relevant to the tech-driven education

The Covid situation and its lockdown have put us all in several unprecedented circumstances. E-learning has indeed become a part of the New Normal, and parents, academicians, and learners are pretty much used to it now. When some institutions are providing relevant training for the teachers and learners, the only set of people who are left perplexed is parents.


Parents are put in a tight spot of balancing their daily chores, work-life, and spending time to learn more about e-learning in order to keep a track of their kids’ academic status. Even the most tech-savvy parents are finding it to be difficult to handle technology when their kids’ future is involved in it.

So, how to crack the never known area of parents and technology education?

Wear a positive attitude:

Children tend to emulate what they see, and they pick behavioural attitudes mostly from their parents. Due to lockdown, parents are physically closer to their children and they get to spend more time together. This will impact what the children will consume, and they develop their senses accordingly. It is the parents’ responsibility to roam around wearing the crown of positivity, a great sense of attitude that opens the door to new learning.

·     Instead of bashing the school’s faults and system’s errors, parents should be more conscious in not pointing out the negatives in front of the children who are a part of the school and its system already but talk about the positives. This will create enthusiasm among the online learners, and they will look forward to taking the good from the online classes.

·     Having the kids socially aware by informing them about the basic issues that people go through because of the pandemic will make the e-learners think about the privileges they have, and this might create a sense of responsibility. Consequently, they will embrace the online learning system.

·     Instead of convincing the kids by telling them, online learning is temporary, create a wholesome arrangement for the learners which will interest them to look for other beneficial and relevant online courses even when physical classes start. 

Draw the line between supervising and espying

Today’s children who are technically not farther from digital advancements are smart and show more confidence. So, be cautious when kids get overconfident. This overconfidence may lead to irrelevant checking on the internet, and as a matter of fact, the internet doesn’t really draw a line. Supervision becomes an essential element in such cases, but supervision is entirely different from espying. Don’t let these thoughts get to your head that might fill you up with insecurities, and as a result, a kid might feel overwhelmed with overprotection and constant scrutiny.

Think twice before barging in

Parents would be sceptical to enter a classroom and seek permission from teachers if it’s a physical class that is happening, and that mindset should continue even if it’s an online class that is happening. Students might get overly conscious if their parents kept on barging in. In the case of having queries and feedback, wait for the classes to get over, and then encourage the kids to ask their doubts about their teachers, maintaining the classroom decorum.

More than anything, communication is the key. Communicate with your kids, and motivate them in ways that schools can’t do due to pandemics. Ensure that the kids understand that e-learning is a new way of learning, and comprehensive learning is completely possible through e-classes.

Parent EngagementParent Teacher Communication Toolshow do you engage parents using digital platformsDigital Communication With ParentsTeaching parents to use technologyusing technology to increase parent involvement in schools
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